Due to COVID-19, all in person services are by special arrangement. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay safe!
Orgasmic Meditation - OM Introduction
15 Minute Session

Learn To OM Introduction (ONLINE):
Click HERE to Register and Learn to OM for FREE.
Watch This Short Video Beforehand:
OneTaste & is now offering the course for FREE so we're dedicating time to support women in this practice as it is much harder for men to learn this practice correctly and hence the need for a sincere practice partner. Check out Nicole Daedone's TEDxSF presentation, "Orgasm: The Cure for Hunger in the Western Woman" in our VIDEO page. Out for the Special Offer Pop Up Box for you to watch the short video and enter your details to express your interest otherwise go directly to the link below. Most tantric therapists who hear about OM negate its virtues and avoid recommending this practice due to conflict of interest! This is why Tantric Ninja is willing to promote this practice to address this void of knowledge and the hypocrisy of the "conscious" sexuality educators, practitioners and communities.
Before arranging a free session with Tantric Ninja you must first sign up and complete the FREE online OM Introduction Training by the Institute of OM, HERE.

Remote Orgasmic Meditation (Remote OM™)
"A Symposium of Oracles"
Fixed Rate.
The Tantric Ninja is now offering his ground breaking, breathtaking and earth shattering Remote OM™ Group Zoom Sessions, affectionately referred to as the "Pussy Whisperer". Copyright 2020
The Tantric Ninja is now offering his ground breaking, breathtaking and earth shattering Remote OM™ Group Zoom Sessions, affectionately referred to as the "Pussy Whisperer". Copyright 2020
Founded in 2020 as a course correction, distinction and destined to supersede the work of Nicole Daedone's one to one OM practice. Inspired by the isolation as a result of the mass lockdowns during the 2020 COVID-19 Epidemic. The gentle weekly zoom room sessions allow you to effectively connect to your essential self. Based on his own research, embodiment practice and work with his private clients, incorporating the science of quantum physics, biofeedback technology and axiology to eliminate prejudice, fantasy, false expectations, and exaggeration that naturally undermines the authentic tantric path and any sincere initiation, intention and practice.
This laser focussed meditation practice transcends convention, taboo and conditioning by harnessing women's authentic synaesthetic nature to transmute misguided sexual connotation, conceit, trauma, shame, blame and stigma by awakening us to our ultimate reality.
Tantric Ninja is the founder of these unique group sessions to help women activate, appreciate and align to their highest nature. Having done over 1,500 OM Session and mastered this work remotely he is able to transmit the essence and grace of this unique practice for your benefit. Woman that experience this goalless remote practice are amazed to observe the shift in their wellbeing, perception and overall state of mind. This process was designed for women to experience the sensory abundance of their femininity, omnipotence and fullness without contact, judgement, fabrication, exaggeration, reciprocation or expectation.
Experience a profound introduction, initiation, activation and sensory alignment in a group format to experience orgasmic meditation in a discrete, non sexual, no nudity, no video required online group format where you get to experience your essential orgasmic self to discover homeostasis, fulfilment and deeper meaning. This weekly event is available to you to join, upon request. Once registered, you will be sent a private link to join using a ticketed password encrypted event link, either anonymously or in confidence. You will not only align to your own unique individual highest values but also to the group's highest frequency and cosmic nature of mind.
"You have to share this with the women of the world! This is what we are here to remember. I'm speechless!
Thank you!"
Karen, Melbourne
"I never knew that my body could do that. I knew that there was something special about you the moment I saw you"
Kristen, Melbourne
For more information and to register, please feel free to send a message to arrange a complementary 15 minute discovery session HERE. Join the Symposium of Oracles. What do you have to lose?
© 2020
Orgasmic Meditation (OM) Partner Integration
This is specifically for men whose partners have already been introduced, trained and realized a high level of self-realization through the practice of OM but would like to integrate OM into their relationships and intimate partners. Tantric Ninja is happy to support your relationship in this way. As a prerequisite, the male partner must have registered and watched the FREE online material as linked ABOVE, practiced at least twice and to reach out once questions arise. This is an experiential practice that has just as much controversy as sex itself, hence why we feel that practitioners will require some hand-holding and reassurance. Include on going support as required..
Men are wired differently through conditioning but they too can be trained to feel and to be inspired to be present with you rather than end gaming or trying to get your off or go somewhere before even being present with you. It is probably best coming from another, granted more awakened man as men tend to feel put down rather than encouraged especially as this may be the saving grace to your relationship itself. I'm happy to be of assistance and help integrate the practice at home.
This training is only for male partners in a monogamous or committed open relationship. Male partners will be required to sit the full training if there is any doubt or issue raised in their ability to hold space within the defined container. Retraining is highly recommended especially if doubt or questions arise as it is critical to take note, adjust and refine since our own conditioning and patterns around sex and relating will arise which can undermine your good intentions, integration and embodiment of the practice.
Cost for retraining by an official OM Coach is currently $500 so we tailor this to your specific integration and desire for privacy and not have to deal with community or. This includes a Debunking Session which releases co-dependency and sexual trauma by identifying your own personal disassociation. See Debunking Session Services below.
Further details to get in touch with a specific OM couch if you prefer to gain access the private community which can be provided by request or on your own by searching online.
Human Design Reading & Integration
Fixed Rate.
$200 1 HOUR INTRO - Reading Only (ONLINE)
$1,500 2 - 3 HOURS - With Integration (ONLINE)
Human Design combines the I-Ching, Western Astrology with your body's inherent energies centres to acknowledge your innate modus operandi. These readings will help you to naturally align with your highest purpose and is a great way of mapping your path to self-realization. Discover your personal human design so that you can reside in your natural ease rather than trying to fit into other people's expectations and limiting beliefs. Incorporating a trademarked integration process is a wonderful alignment and integrative learning process.
Tantric Ninja will calculate your Human Design chart which is literally a road map to your true nature that most people initially find quite profound and revealing by giving them a sense of self acknowledgment, guidance and inspiration. He has an innate ability to intuitively weave the story of your design, to make sense of you.
Understanding your karmic imprint can have a significant healing effect for you to realize your true potential. This one-off reading helps you to remove the guesswork in navigating through your conditioning to recognize and acknowledge your unique nature. Once your reading is complete, you will receive a recording and a detailed report for your reference and review. This will highlight for you the key points to read over them in your own time, to mindfully embody your authentic self.
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
Fixed Rate.
$500 2 HOURS*
Debunking perception of pain and pleasure in order to transcend polarised disassociation and releasing one from the shackles of the convention by aligning to your true passion. Tantric Ninja is the first to scientifically demonstrate and verify the therapeutic aspect of rope play using digital bio-feedback technology. Tantric Ninja is a trained Shibari Artist and Tantric Master.
Having tutelage under numerous Masters both male and female, he has been able to not only induce deeper states of being and sensuality but also be able to demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of working with rope. Contrary to popular belief.
This sensual practice can bring you to a deeper state of connection, contentment and alignment.
$1,500 2 - 3 HOURS - With Integration (ONLINE)
Human Design combines the I-Ching, Western Astrology with your body's inherent energies centres to acknowledge your innate modus operandi. These readings will help you to naturally align with your highest purpose and is a great way of mapping your path to self-realization. Discover your personal human design so that you can reside in your natural ease rather than trying to fit into other people's expectations and limiting beliefs. Incorporating a trademarked integration process is a wonderful alignment and integrative learning process.
Tantric Ninja will calculate your Human Design chart which is literally a road map to your true nature that most people initially find quite profound and revealing by giving them a sense of self acknowledgment, guidance and inspiration. He has an innate ability to intuitively weave the story of your design, to make sense of you.
Understanding your karmic imprint can have a significant healing effect for you to realize your true potential. This one-off reading helps you to remove the guesswork in navigating through your conditioning to recognize and acknowledge your unique nature. Once your reading is complete, you will receive a recording and a detailed report for your reference and review. This will highlight for you the key points to read over them in your own time, to mindfully embody your authentic self.
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
Shibari Session & Performance
Fixed Rate.
$500 2 HOURS*

Having tutelage under numerous Masters both male and female, he has been able to not only induce deeper states of being and sensuality but also be able to demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of working with rope. Contrary to popular belief.
This sensual practice can bring you to a deeper state of connection, contentment and alignment.
Tantric Ninja Performance, demonstrating Shibari, the Art of Rope.
The actual sessions come with complimentary before and after in person bio-field readings so that you can quantify and confirm the impact each session has on you. Here you can see an example where the Before shown with the Orange Circle and the After shown in Coloured Spheres with the corresponding Chakra can clearly demonstrate the shift into alignment. Using the specific proprietory techniques, technology and tools including Shibari, for your sensory activation to you identify, inprint and integrate body, mind and spirit, VALUED AT $1000.
In fact, Synaesthesia is what you will realize and learn to integrate. Tantric Ninja has over 30 years in the remedial therapy, classical tantra, kinesiology, performance and marttial arts, in particular kung fu, weaponry combining his science background he is also well versed in much of the new age tantra which gives him a unique insight that is unparalleled. His unique exploratory approach to activate ones sensory body to demonstrate to lay people the impact that each client can experience through this particular work. Make sure to book a session and discover the profound benefits of working with Tantric Ninja.
* Beginners to Intermediate
It does not include de-armouring Session!
The Dragonfly Sessions™
Fixed Rate.
Individual Sessions:
$500 2.5 HOURS* (ONLINE or LIVE)
Group Sessions:
5 People MAX (IN PERSON)
The Dragonfly is a mythical creature and in many traditions throughout the world, is known as the unraveller of illusion. Through the acceleration that is taking place on this planet, our vision of the future and our purpose is coming into alignment and 2020 will bring with it the next wave of evolution. Many people would not know that Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone was not only aligned and adopted much of Nikolai Tesla’s research but also that the first voice he heard on his device was not Thomas Edison as is recorded historically but his mother who had already passed away.
Have you wondered what it would be to be like to be clairaudient? The Dragonfly uses a technology designed to open up a local
frequency portal that allows your guides the opening to communicate and
at the same time activating your inner ear in order for you to be able
to communicate with your guides. The Dragonfly Sessions will help
facilitate you to invite, ask and listen to your guides and will
reaffirm your intuition in a safe environment.
To arrange your own private group session, send us a message to schedule a time.
Fixed Rate, session duration ranges from 3 to 5 hours.
$250 1 HOUR (ONLINE)
Synaesthesia is the perception of a sensory impression relating to our human nature, energy field or physical body which is a inner reflection of an outer experience. It can be kinaesthetic, visual or auditory and one may appear to be more dominant than the other. We all have it in some form or another and it can be activated and harnessed through guidance to align to your highest values, vision and wisdom. It cannot only be used as form of healing, sensory activation but also manifestation. The simplest way of describing its characteristics is that you can perceive a past, present of future experience through sound, music, numbers, touch of even remotely. Tantric Ninja incorporates Quantum Remote Sensing Technology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Erikssonian Hypnotherapy, Class 2 Medical Grade Devices to introduce you to your own nature, energy and to activate your inner wisdom.
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
Fixed Rate, session duration ranges from 3 to 5 hours.
$2,500 to $3,000 PER PROGRAM*
To arrange your own private group session, send us a message to schedule a time.
Sensual Synaesthesia Sessions™
Fixed Rate, session duration ranges from 3 to 5 hours.
$250 1 HOUR (ONLINE)
Synaesthesia is the perception of a sensory impression relating to our human nature, energy field or physical body which is a inner reflection of an outer experience. It can be kinaesthetic, visual or auditory and one may appear to be more dominant than the other. We all have it in some form or another and it can be activated and harnessed through guidance to align to your highest values, vision and wisdom. It cannot only be used as form of healing, sensory activation but also manifestation. The simplest way of describing its characteristics is that you can perceive a past, present of future experience through sound, music, numbers, touch of even remotely. Tantric Ninja incorporates Quantum Remote Sensing Technology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Erikssonian Hypnotherapy, Class 2 Medical Grade Devices to introduce you to your own nature, energy and to activate your inner wisdom.
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
Full Body Orgasmic Session
Fixed Rate, session duration ranges from 3 to 5 hours.
$2,500 to $3,000 PER PROGRAM*
(Includes Complimentary ZOOM Follow Up Sessions)
Experience the ultimate awakening and transformation of your body, mind and spirit with a full body orgasmic session with a minimal touch to allow you to naturally and exquisitely experience your desire and sensations on an energetic level that will leave you honoured, held, speechless, fully aware and revitalized. This is the deluxe experience and is not to be missed as it is one of the missing pieces in our society, culture and sexual encounters. Known as the initiation by one's own inner fire. This awakening will active, de-armour, rejuvenate and align your subtle body to experience your true nature. No genital contact involved.
* Sessions can be facilitated over a single 8 hour session or alternatively, 2 or 3 weekly sessions.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results.
Fixed Rate, session duration per hour.
$2,000 3 HOURS*
Yoni Massage is a truly healing experience that every woman will find nurtures her sensual self in a safe, supportive, holistic way to honour your deep desires, release toxins and unresolved emotions. The treatment starts off with a full body oil massage that allows one to completely sink into their sensory body to prepare you for a gentle and soothing tension release process. This practice is by interview only as it is definitely not for everyone. Feel free to make contact for more information.
* Purchase 5 Individual at a 10% Discount
Premium sessions come with a guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results. Programs range from 4 to 8 weeks and will be extended at no additional cost to ensure you 100% reassurance and satisfaction.
Remote full orgasmic body and breakthrough session duration ranges from 2 to 3 hours.
$2,000 to $3,000 PER PROGRAM (ONLINE)
(Includes Complimentary ZOOM Follow Up Sessions)
Experience the ultimate awakening and transformation of your body, mind and spirit with a full body orgasmic session with a minimal touch to allow you to naturally and exquisitely experience your desire and sensations on an energetic level that will leave you honoured, held, speechless, fully aware and revitalized. This is the deluxe experience and is not to be missed as it is one of the missing pieces in our society, culture and sexual encounters. Known as the initiation by one's own inner fire. This awakening will active, de-armour, rejuvenate and align your subtle body to experience your true nature. No genital contact involved.
* Sessions can be facilitated over a single 8 hour session or alternatively, 2 or 3 weekly sessions.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results.
Yoni Massage
Fixed Rate, session duration per hour.
$2,000 3 HOURS*
Yoni Massage is a truly healing experience that every woman will find nurtures her sensual self in a safe, supportive, holistic way to honour your deep desires, release toxins and unresolved emotions. The treatment starts off with a full body oil massage that allows one to completely sink into their sensory body to prepare you for a gentle and soothing tension release process. This practice is by interview only as it is definitely not for everyone. Feel free to make contact for more information.
* Purchase 5 Individual at a 10% Discount
Premium sessions come with a guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results. Programs range from 4 to 8 weeks and will be extended at no additional cost to ensure you 100% reassurance and satisfaction.
Zoom or Skype Sessions
Remote full orgasmic body and breakthrough session duration ranges from 2 to 3 hours.
$2,000 to $3,000 PER PROGRAM (ONLINE)
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
These sessions are designed to address polarised emotional and mental disassociation formed as a result of trauma, incest, rape, abuse, violence, co-dependency, abandonment, rejection, criticism, phobias, infatuations, resentment, shame, guilt and addiction which leads to depression, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), lack of fulfilment, prescription drugs, insomnia, projections, psychic attack, dis-ease and suffering. This is a trademarked signature breakthrough process within a 2 to 3 hour session.
Debunking Sessions
These sessions are designed to address polarised emotional and mental disassociation formed as a result of trauma, incest, rape, abuse, violence, co-dependency, abandonment, rejection, criticism, phobias, infatuations, resentment, shame, guilt and addiction which leads to depression, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), lack of fulfilment, prescription drugs, insomnia, projections, psychic attack, dis-ease and suffering. This is a trademarked signature breakthrough process within a 2 to 3 hour session.
$3,000 PER SESSION. 2 to 3 Hours (ONLINE)
$10,000 PER 5 SESSIONS Scheduled within 6 Months (ONLINE)
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results. Sessions will become a program based on your needs and level of completion.
$10,000 PER 5 SESSIONS Scheduled within 6 Months (ONLINE)
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results. Sessions will become a program based on your needs and level of completion.
Includes a remote or in person bio feedback frequency scan to give you a detailed report on your mental, emotional, physical and energetic footprint. Bio feedback is a profound technology and the way of a more wholistic medical model as it gives clients a direct link to their mental, emotional and physical state as it empowers you by helping your monitor and regulate your energetic body which is your elemental nature. What you measure, grows! This will give you an ideal road map of priority issues that you can address and target for your optimum health, alignment and embodiment, VALUED AT $1000.
Exodus is for anyone that is committed to a completely new paradigm shift. Addressing major emotional and mental needs, conflict and dissociations caused through trauma, incest, rape, abuse, violence, co-dependency, abandonment, rejection, criticism, phobias, infatuations, resentment, shame, guilt, addiction, depression, infertility, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), unfulfillment, prescription drugs, insomnia, projections, psychic attack, dis-ease and suffering. This 3 DAY 1 on 1 program is based on a trademarked signature breakthrough process that requires 12 to 15 hour per day.
In-person or via Skype, coaching tailored for your individual needs.
*Applies ONLY to Premium Sessions.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Abundance Activation, Programming and Ancestral DNA Epigenetic Balancing as part of the session which includes a 6 month Personal Retreat as a blessing from the kindness of Tantric Ninja's own Royal Tantric Lineage. Incorporating a trademarked integration process is a wonderful alignment and integrative learning process, This is a profound practice that will help you fulfil your purpose of being.
Prerequisites: Premium Session
Done for you retreat component with traditional offerings made daily and special power days by devoted practitioners to support your alignment with your specific goals to remove karmic blocks.
Prerequisites: Premium Session
Exodus Program
Exodus is for anyone that is committed to a completely new paradigm shift. Addressing major emotional and mental needs, conflict and dissociations caused through trauma, incest, rape, abuse, violence, co-dependency, abandonment, rejection, criticism, phobias, infatuations, resentment, shame, guilt, addiction, depression, infertility, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), unfulfillment, prescription drugs, insomnia, projections, psychic attack, dis-ease and suffering. This 3 DAY 1 on 1 program is based on a trademarked signature breakthrough process that requires 12 to 15 hour per day.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results.
Follow Up Consultation
In-person or via Skype, coaching tailored for your individual needs.
*Applies ONLY to Premium Sessions.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
+ Bonus
Abundance Activation, Programming and Ancestral DNA Epigenetic Balancing as part of the session which includes a 6 month Personal Retreat as a blessing from the kindness of Tantric Ninja's own Royal Tantric Lineage. Incorporating a trademarked integration process is a wonderful alignment and integrative learning process, This is a profound practice that will help you fulfil your purpose of being.
Prerequisites: Premium Session
++ Bonus
Done for you retreat component with traditional offerings made daily and special power days by devoted practitioners to support your alignment with your specific goals to remove karmic blocks.
Prerequisites: Premium Session
You will be required to have an initial interview over Zoom to determine suitability. Most people who are polarised emotionally live in denial, resentment and ignorance by confusing actual tantric practice with unconscious orgasmic states, trauma, tumescence and samskara and stuck in the preparation stages of clearing the bodies energy system and aligning one to their bodies natural intelligence. That is just the beginning as it not only takes several sessions to clear, align and recognize but also continued sincere practice ensuring that you're introduced correctly since each individual has a different path and experience of reality which needs to be acknowledged and addressed in order for one's ultimate awakening, realization and embodiment.
This bonus practice is for those that realize that Tantra requires blessings, introduction and practice.
Just to set some context of what we are talking about here. Ever wondered why it is important to acknowledge your ancestral lineage? This chart shows that 64 Generations of your mother and fathers line each has just under 100,000,000,000,000,000 Ancestors. If we take 1 Generation as 30 years, then 64 Generations is the equivalent of 1920 Years which would date back to the time of Christ. This is one reason why Royalty were so revered due to being descendants of vast service, leadership and abundance. Contrary to popular belief there are far more virtues omitted than what has been represented in order to keep secrets in order to separate us from the divine in mind, body and spirit as have I, due to people's capacity, agenda and the privy nature of reality and this work.
We are the cause and effect of not just our thoughts, words and actions but also our ancestor's too as this information is stored in our DNA. Every memory, thought, emotion and bodies are programmed with scarcity to some degree and this is something that as we awaken become very conscious of that helps us become more sincere, appreciative and humble in order to receive from grace. Imagine the impact that this work will have on them but also your future generations.
Remember "When Harry Met Sally"? Well, now you can have your own orgasmic lunch. Enjoy the world's first, First Class EXECUTIVE treatment and Limo Ride Experience.
$2,000 3 HOURS includes Orgasmic Designed Menu. Vegan Option available upon request.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Tantric Ninja is a trained courtesan with an exceptional eye for detail and style and he will help give you a makeover to replace or complement your existing wardrobe, occasion or performance specifically selected with you to naturally express your orgasmic nature. This is the ultimate shopping experience that has brought much delight to his many clients. Tantric Ninja also works on aligning your perceptions.
$5,000 5 HOURS excludes Outfits. Includes a complimentary follow-up session.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Suitable for alternative health specialists to help them verify, document and demonstrate the effectiveness of their life's work. We all know the challenges we face in promoting our work no matter how much conviction, sincerity and authenticity, we often are faced with the client's scepticism, doubt and projection so biofeedback is a critical indicator for confirmation and validation.
Tantric Ninja has been in the tantric, meditation, healing, kinesiology, geomancy and human potential fields since 1992 and his science background as a consultant engineer has allowed him to utilize scientific equipment to support his clients as well as other professionals to promote and support and promote their work through print and online marketing.
Tantric Ninja utilities cutting edge technology that measures bio-energy, auric fields, chakra analysis, organ behaviour, brain waves, patterns and response to produce before and after analysis to demonstrate not only the effectiveness of his work and approach. He can even use his Class 2 Medical Grade equipment and technology to not only clients seeking verification, reassurance, nutrition and allergy testing as well as pet surrogating and couple analysis.
This data can be used as a before and after reading from a single session or a series of consultations to demonstrate improvements in stress levels, organ energy, chakra alignment, whole-brain activation and integration as well as heart and breath congruency.
Consultants that have benefited from reports generated utilizing this technology include chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists, yoga instructors, meditation teachers, massage therapist and sports consultants.
Testing will need to be in person with either a client or the instructor themselves.

Feel free to make contact for a quick demonstration and full details of what this means to you and your clients.
This bonus practice is for those that realize that Tantra requires blessings, introduction and practice.
We are the cause and effect of not just our thoughts, words and actions but also our ancestor's too as this information is stored in our DNA. Every memory, thought, emotion and bodies are programmed with scarcity to some degree and this is something that as we awaken become very conscious of that helps us become more sincere, appreciative and humble in order to receive from grace. Imagine the impact that this work will have on them but also your future generations.
Orgasmic Lunch
Remember "When Harry Met Sally"? Well, now you can have your own orgasmic lunch. Enjoy the world's first, First Class EXECUTIVE treatment and Limo Ride Experience.
$2,000 3 HOURS includes Orgasmic Designed Menu. Vegan Option available upon request.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Wardrobe Make Over
Tantric Ninja is a trained courtesan with an exceptional eye for detail and style and he will help give you a makeover to replace or complement your existing wardrobe, occasion or performance specifically selected with you to naturally express your orgasmic nature. This is the ultimate shopping experience that has brought much delight to his many clients. Tantric Ninja also works on aligning your perceptions.
$5,000 5 HOURS excludes Outfits. Includes a complimentary follow-up session.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Professional Health Services Consultation
Tantric Ninja has been in the tantric, meditation, healing, kinesiology, geomancy and human potential fields since 1992 and his science background as a consultant engineer has allowed him to utilize scientific equipment to support his clients as well as other professionals to promote and support and promote their work through print and online marketing.
Tantric Ninja utilities cutting edge technology that measures bio-energy, auric fields, chakra analysis, organ behaviour, brain waves, patterns and response to produce before and after analysis to demonstrate not only the effectiveness of his work and approach. He can even use his Class 2 Medical Grade equipment and technology to not only clients seeking verification, reassurance, nutrition and allergy testing as well as pet surrogating and couple analysis.
This data can be used as a before and after reading from a single session or a series of consultations to demonstrate improvements in stress levels, organ energy, chakra alignment, whole-brain activation and integration as well as heart and breath congruency.

Testing will need to be in person with either a client or the instructor themselves.

Feel free to make contact for a quick demonstration and full details of what this means to you and your clients.
Beyond Tantra © Introduction
Beyond Tantra © Introduction Bali Retreat is a rare and unique introduction to a classical Cosmology and Science of Tantra and oral and written traditions as taught to a select few including courtesans through the transcendence of foundational lesser vehicles of mainstream Buddhism to the diamond vehicle of the secret Tantric Buddhist Lineage which goes far beyond dualism and is directly linked to the many ancient eastern Royal Courts which date back more than over 2,500 years. Learn the parallels through various traditions and cultures.
These workshops introduce you to the knowledge that most puritan, moralist and polarized spiritualist remain in the closet and is embodied through a monastic form of Kung Fu practice which is pre-dates Atisha and was transmitted and summarized into the 6 Yogas of Naropa referred to as Tummo is one which in our modern age Pandits such as Wim Hof promote, propagate as his own brand due to his achievements and experience, also known as the ICEMAN. The breathing techniques which have become the central aspect of the Neo Tantric practitioners allow one to commence the journey by momentarily transcending trauma which has been summarized, misrepresented and promoted by most modern teachers as Tantra or Spiritual Practice itself.
Without this specific knowledge, most people will continue to perpetuate disassociation and ignorance living in a polarized reality.
DATES: TBA - Please register your interest HERE or Book A Discovery Session below.
PRICE: $7500 5 Days in Bali
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Tailored for your individual needs to specifically help mentor and empower you in your home, work and social settings.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
A rare opportunity for you and your partner alone to immerse yourself in the world of the Tantric Ninja along with another internationally renowned Tantrica at a secret luxury dream location. Learn both foundational principles and practices from this authentic tantric power couple.
This is an ancient journey where you both will experience self-discovery, initiation and empowerment known to only a select few. A private and exclusive live-in intensive training over 5 days designed for you and your partner to experience more intimacy, personal transformation, deeper connection and mind-expanding sex.
$15,000 5 DAYS ^
Please register your interest HERE or click the red Book A Discovery Session button below.
Please note that the Full Orgasmic Body Session or the Yoni Massage is a prerequisite for the Consultation, Remote Sessions and Bonuses as it creates a solid foundation for you to experience a felt sense of the many concepts and insights covered. The nature of this work is to initiate, purify and empower as you will receive specific instruction and techniques tailored for you (and your partner where applicable) to connect, nurture and embody your orgasmic essence.
Based in Melbourne, sessions are available over zoom or in your home unless arranged otherwise. Any additional national or international travel expenses are to be included as required. Feel free to discuss if this is the case.
PRICE: $7500 5 Days in Bali
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Personal Confidant & Mentor
Tailored for your individual needs to specifically help mentor and empower you in your home, work and social settings.
Premium sessions come with a money-back guarantee as Tantric Ninja charges based on results⁺
Beyond Tantra © Individual Couple Intensives
A rare opportunity for you and your partner alone to immerse yourself in the world of the Tantric Ninja along with another internationally renowned Tantrica at a secret luxury dream location. Learn both foundational principles and practices from this authentic tantric power couple.

$15,000 5 DAYS ^
Please register your interest HERE or click the red Book A Discovery Session button below.
Please note that the Full Orgasmic Body Session or the Yoni Massage is a prerequisite for the Consultation, Remote Sessions and Bonuses as it creates a solid foundation for you to experience a felt sense of the many concepts and insights covered. The nature of this work is to initiate, purify and empower as you will receive specific instruction and techniques tailored for you (and your partner where applicable) to connect, nurture and embody your orgasmic essence.
Based in Melbourne, sessions are available over zoom or in your home unless arranged otherwise. Any additional national or international travel expenses are to be included as required. Feel free to discuss if this is the case.
Due to the confidential nature of this work, please direct inquiries using the Contact Form with the red Book Now button or use the red Book a Discovery Session button below, for a 30 Minute Discovery Session.