Tantric Ninja

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Carolyn Tate, Melbourne, VIC Australia

"About six months ago I came to the blinding realization that I needed to stop living in my head and start living in my heart, my body and my pussy. As a business owner, serial author, public speaker and entrepreneur, work was my saving grace! My career gave me the independence I needed after a failed marriage, being a single parent but having an unsustainable and then non existing sex life, I needed to be brutally honest. The authentic, earthy, sexy, feminine, vulnerable woman I knew was there, had been in hiding pretty much my whole life - during my marriage and beyond.

A deep distrust of men had also made a very comfortable home for itself in my heart. So, I set the intention to make 2017 the year that I would reverse all that. I have called it the year of experimentation and exploration so that I can love every juicy part of me and also create the space for a whole range of sexual and orgasmic awakenings as well as attract the kind of relationship I desire. I actually met the Tantric Ninja through Orgasmic Meditation which I find a wonderful and safe practice to regularly nurture my essential nature.

A very important part of my journey and a significant highlight, was to experience a most amazing five hour Full Body Orgasm with Tantric Ninja. With care and kindness his initial consultation identified some of the root cause of my fears and pains around my sexual well being and relationships. This part of the session itself was astoundingly accurate, liberating and quite confronting!

Once on the table, Tantric Ninja was able to gently guide me and it did not take long for me to fully drop into the experience. I began to feel my whole body vibrate with a warm tingling sensation from my hair, face, breasts, pussy and toes. It was like my whole body had come alive and was arching towards this orgasmic experience and my brain had no say in the matter. It was a deeply emotional experience and I felt a lot of pain and sadness that had built up. I was left feeling with a strong sense of relief, natural confidence, floaty, invigorated, surrendered, happy and a rekindled commitment to keep showing up to reside in my sexual well being.

Over the course of what seemed like only half an hour - which was in fact about five hours! I was overcome with emotion and tears and I was able to feel all the shame and anger that had built up over many years start to wash away and release me. It was an exquisite, healing and memorable experience and one that my body is still thanking me for!

I would recommend that any woman who feels that sex could be more than what they already know, experience or sustain commit to going deeper and unearthing your wild, juicy, sexy and feminine self to book a session with Tantric Ninja. It was a wonderful experience from head to toe! Thank you."